Sliding into no-time

Autumn Equinox. A time in between. A moment of stillness amid inexorable change, the slow turning of the seasonal wheel towards autumn. A day of balance where darkness and light are in equal measure. An invitation to slip-slide into the eternity enfolded within each moment.

Meeting the edges

I've been wrestling with something since I published this blog site last week. A familiar struggle, and one I know I share with some of you. The struggle is this: I look at the world around me and I see breathtaking beauty, moments of bliss that come through watching the rain fall or my child... Continue Reading →

It is Time

It is time, friends, to take to the road To sing again to old bones, To seek out the old places, And find each other once more.

Still Point

This, she understood now, was a still point. In the days before, she had chafed against the bars of an unseen cage, pushing forward, eager to know the next unfolding, and now it dawned on her that far from being stuck, she was being freed. Being freed.

Plastic – taking my measure

Simply put, when I’m grounded, taking life at a reasonable pace, I make considered purchases. I build in time to go to the local shop to buy refills rather than grabbing a new laundry liquid bottle from the supermarket.

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Mark Rosher of Gloucestershire, England

Dora Darling Folk

Folk Singer and Songwriter of the Earthy and the Magical; Traditional Original Music.....

In Gaza

and beyond

Poetry for Palestine

Palestine, Poetry, Truth-Seeking,


Writings from a liminal space

follow the brush

explorations in creativity

Earth Pathways

Writings from a liminal space

Druid Life

Nimue Brown, David Bridger - Druidry, Paganism, Creativity, Hope

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